San Diego


South Fraser Animal Hospital

(604) 855-0770

In-House Laboratory

Cat having blood drawn

Our veterinarian near Abbotsford offers an in-house testing lab for dogs and cats.

Blood tests are an essential part of diagnosing what is ailing your pet, just as they are in human medicine. Blood tests can tell the veterinarian a myriad of things, from whether your dog and cat is dehydrated to whether he or she has anemia to whether they are suffering from cancer.

Common Blood Tests Used by Veterinarians

Red Blood Cells

Red blood cells are used to determine a number of factors. The packed red blood cell count can detect a condition called polycythemia. A high count indicates dehydration, while a low count can be an indicator of anemia. 

The hemoglobin concentration test measures the oxygen-carrying capacity of your dog's and cat's blood, and the red blood cell count can tell your vet how well your feline's body is functioning. 

White Blood Cells

Testing the white blood cells is equally useful. A high white blood cell count is indicative of infection, whereas a low white blood cell count can mean a weakened immune system.

Benefits of In-House Diagnostics and Bloodwork

When your dog and cat is sick, you don't want to wait days to get the results of blood tests and start his or her treatment. Neither do you want to drive all around Abbotsford from the vet's office to the lab and back. 

Our in-house diagnostic lab decreases the time and energy necessary to get your dog and cat the blood tests he or she needs. Plus, you'll get the results much more quickly than if you use an outside lab. We also believe it's easier for your feline to only deal with one technician and one visit than to have him or her visit two separate facilities.

Having a sick dog and cat can be a scary thing. After all, they are part of the family. South Fraser Animal Hospital wants to ease some of your anxiety and get your pet on the road to wellness quickly. That's why we've invested in an in-house diagnostic lab. 

Call us today at (604) 855-0770 to learn more about our in-house testing lab or to make an appointment for your dog and cat.


Baseline Animal Hospital offers a low-cost vaccine clinic on Saturdays from 12 pm – 2 pm - By Appointment Only! For cats and dogs 1 year or older.

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